Department of Philosophy and Islamic Studies

The Department of philosophy and Islamic Studies is one of the Departments of the school of Humanities at the Libyan has started its scientific activity since 2002. The department has been given several names since its establishment, including Philosophy, Religious Thought and the Department of interpretation. in 2013, the department was given a new name, which is the” Department of philosophy and Islamic Studies “and consists of two divisions, the first is the philosophy division and the other is the Islamic Studies Division.


Almarzouqi Almarzouqi
Almarzouqi Almarzouqi

Professor - Department of Philosophy and Islamic Studies

Karima Bshiwa
Karima Bshiwa

Associate professor - Department of Philosophy and Islamic Studies

Hamza altweer
Hamza altweer

Professor - Department of Philosophy and Islamic Studies

Adel Idreza
Adel Idreza

Professor - Department of Philosophy and Islamic Studies